Saturday, July 25, 2009

16 Proven Ways to Double Your Income - Guaranteed!

In this article, you will learn how to double your income, 16 different proven ways.

1 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Learning What Your Clients Want

How are you learning what your clients and prospects really want? Listen carefully. Do surveys. Talk to them. Read the comments cards. Sell them what they just told you they want.

2 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Interacting With Your Clients

You can interact with your clients and prospects in many ways:

by inviting them to join you on Facebook

by inviting them to join you on Twitter

by inviting them to watch your videos on YouTube

by answering EVERY single comment left on your blog

Now, think of ways you can interact more with your clients and prospects to find out what they REALLY want.

3 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Solving Their Problems

By messages that come to you through Twitter, Facebook, comments on your blog, emails to you, questions asked on your Teleseminars, and in many other ways, you can learn of problems which your clients and prospects have and then solve them. This creates wonderful feelings of reciprocity which supports sales.

How are you finding out about, and then solving, the problems of your clients and prospects?

4 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Encouraging People To Refer Their Friends

How are you encouraging referrals?

5 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Being Enthusiastic

You must be excited and eager and fun-loving. Your prospects likely will like you if you are even more enthusiastic.

What one way can you enact right now to be more enthusiastic?

6 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Offering, then Delighting, then asking for the Sale

You are reading this article, maybe only because it is free. You get value. Hopefully you get HUGE value. Later, I may offer a product. If you like what you got free, you will more likely be agreeable to invest in wonderful educational products.

How are you first offering free stuff to and delighting clients and prospects?

7 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Offering Options to your Clients

Offer lots of options. Make sure your clients and prospects can get your information:

by Teleseminar live

by archived Teleseminar later

by blog

by ezine article

by Special Report

by eBook


How are you offering options to your clients and prospects so that they can get what you offer in the way(s) they prefer?

8 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Starting a Blog

When you launch a blog, you may get only dozens of hits a month, then after a while there may be many many thousands of visit a month. Google highly respects blogs because they offer fresh new contest regularly. Start your blog and talk about whatever you sell. People will actually begin reading it. It's free and it's easy. Simply go to the WordPress website and fill in the blanks.

Have you launched your blog yet?

9 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Opening a YouTube Account

Register with YouTube. It's really really easy and you can also include your photo and a bio about yourself. Just your bio and photo will attract prospects and customers.

Have you opened your YouTube account?

10 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Posting Your Videos

Now, take lots of videos and simply begin posting them. If you have a video recorder, then use it. If you don't, simply go to a high tech store and buy a FLIP video. They cost about $160. Just make a video and post it. It does not have to be great; you just need to get started.

And, here is a hot tip for you. Take whatever is exciting in the news and think of some bridge that will allow you to begin with the hot news and then bridge to your topic. For example, Obama's Presidency is still hot news and maybe you are a Realtor. Then make a video which begins with the question "How will Obama's presidency impact real estate prices?" and then answer that question to the best of your ability. In the tags, you can list "Obama" and "inauguration" besides the ones you would have used anyway like "real estate". In this way, all the people who use Google or YouTube to search for "Obama" - tens of millions of them - have some chance of getting to your video.Are you posting your own videos on your YouTube account?

11 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Opening a Facebook Page and a Facebook Fan Page

It's really easy. You will be shocked - almost immediately, people will find you and ask if they can be your Facebook Friend. I accept everyone, even if I do not recognize them.

Once you have a page, open a group which is a group of people you want to sell to. If you are a Realtor in Miami, then open a group called "Get Rich In Real Estate In Miami" or "Sell Your Home Fast in Miami" or "Buy Real Estate at HUGE discounts in Miami". People will join and then you can send messages to them. They will be your clients. And, it's free. This is, by the way, how Obama won the election - he was more savvy about

Facebook and the other social networking sites than McCann. Now, it's your turn.

Have you opened a Facebook page and have you opened a Facebook Fan Page?

12 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by opening a Twitter account

I had never even heard of Twitter. Then someone asked me to follow them. I did because I knew that person well. So, I opened an account - it took seconds - and then I sat and waited. Wow. Today, thousands of people follow me.

Have you opened a Twitter page?

13 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by "Salting" Your Clients and Prospects

You can lead a horse to water, and you CAN make him drink!! Just salt the oats. Just add salt to the horse's rations of oats and then when he gets to the water, he will drink like crazy!!

You can do the same process with your clients and prospects. Get them all excited about something so that they are really eager when the time comes.

Have you committed to at least experimenting with this idea of "salting" your clients and prospects?

14 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Inspiring Your Clients

"Snowmen fall to earth, unassembled" - It is your job to see snow, but envision snowmen. Most people see snow, and envision traffic jams and snow-shoveling.

"You never know how far you can go till you risk going too far" T. S. Eliot - I risked going to far when I joined Polar Race, a 350-mile foot-race to the North Pole braving -40 degree cold and hauling a sled with all my provisions weighing 100 pounds. That foot-race took me one entire month, April 2007. I risked going too far and I made it. You will have fun taking risks. It's way more fun than watching TV!! Take risks in your life and in your business.

In which ways are you risking going too far to inspire your clients?

15 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Finding a Product or Service you can Sell

Start by creating an educational product on anything you know even a little about.

How are you offering the same products and services you've offered for years? That is not a good recipe for success. Be bold.

16 ... DOUBLE YOUR INCOME by Getting Content for your Products

If you do not know much, then interview those who are really knowledgeable. If you like chocolate cookies, then interview people who are expert at making them and selling them and then you have a product!! Also, video tape them and use those videos on YouTube to sell your website and product. Or, sell the videos.

There are THREE ways to get great content - for free - which you can then sell for money !! Here are the three ways:

1.Your own Wisdom ... You already know a certain amount about the topic. Type, audio or videotape what you know.

2.Google ... Simply type your questions or issues into Google and get lots of information.

3.Experts ... Interview experts in your field. Interview anyone making a lot of money doing what you do. Why will experts give you their wisdom for free? Because Experts LOVE to share what they know. Audio or video their interviews and you suddenly have wisdom in your educational products.

These are 16 ways to double your income. I use all 16. Select ONE that resonates with you and begin it. Best of success.